Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the course

    2. What is Community engagement_terminology

    1. Definitions? Let's do Principles Instead!

    2. Engagement is an Umbrella Term

    3. Engagement is a Planned Process

    4. Who is this 'Community' Anyway?

    1. Let me Introduce the Engagement Spectrum

    2. Resource - The Engagement Spectrum

    3. Activity - What Engagement Documentation do you have in your Organisation?

    4. Reading the Spectrum as a Whole

    5. There are Five Levels of Engagement

    6. How do you Choose the Right Level?

    7. Test your learning

    1. Section Introduction

    2. All About 'Inform'

    3. How do you Apply 'Inform'?

    4. Activity - Current Engagement Approach 'Inform'.

    5. All About 'Consult'

    6. How do you Apply 'Consult'?

    7. Activity - Your Current Engagement 'Consult'

    8. All About 'Involve'

    9. How do you Apply 'Involve'

    10. Activity - Your Current Engagement 'Involve'

    11. All About 'Collaborate'

    12. How do you Apply 'Collaborate'?

    13. Activity - Current Engagement Approach 'Collaborate'

    14. All About 'Empower'

    15. How do you Apply 'Empower'?

    16. Activity - Your Current Engagement 'Empower'

    17. Test you knowledge of the engagement spectrum

    1. Conclusion and Thank You

About this course

  • $57.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content